Empowering Voters. Defending Democracy.

Donations help the LWV carry out our agenda, particularly our voter service work. The requested donation for a single copy, mailed to you, is $2.00. We would be most grateful if you would consider adding a small additional donation to this amount. To order, please download the Directory of Public Officials for Residents of Nassau...
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The League of Women Voters of Nassau County publishes a Directory of Public Officials annually. It lists many officials at various levels of government with their address, telephone number, fax number and e-mail address. – in Washington – in Albany – in Mineola – in your city, town and village hall You’ll find maps, salaries...
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Time is running out to protect and manage the aquifers and water supply of Long Island. The Long Island water supply, the groundwater stored beneath all of Long Island, continues to be polluted, wasted and depleted. Seventy percent of New York State is served by one of the three professional management compacts (river basin/watershed commissions)...
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The fate of the National Voter Registration Act (NVRA) now lies with the Supreme Court. For the second time in as many months, the justices are hearing arguments on vital legislation that has encouraged active participation in our democracy for nearly two decades. The League of Women Voters of Arizona is a plaintiff in the...
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A central part of the mission of the League of Women Voters is to encourage active and informed participation in government. Click here to visit the League of Women Voters of New York State’s Legislative Action Center. A central part of the mission of the League of Women Voters is to encourage active and informed participation...
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To register you must: be a U.S. citizen, be 18 years old by December 31 of the year in which you file the voter registration form, be 18 years old by the date of the general, primary or other election in which you want to vote, not be in jail or on parole for a...
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Are you registered to vote? Do you want to change your party, your address, your name? Do you have other questions? Start here: The New York State Department of Motor Vehicles Voter Registration Application now offers the opportunity to complete an application to register to vote or to update the information you have on file with...
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Congratulations on Registering to Vote! As a citizen (age 18 or older) you have the right and responsibility to vote in elections. Educate yourself on the candidates and issues in each election. Once your registration has been processed by your county Board of Elections you will be mailed a card giving your polling place. If...
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Find the facts about voting in your state at Vote411.org. Before an election, find your polling place and your complete ballot for elections with nonpartisan information about candidates and ballot measures. And your polling place. You will save time by using Smart Voter’s handy, consolidated and well organized online information. Also, archives are available to show results of...
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To further our efforts on this crucial representation issue, the League has joined up with three other organizations and named ourselves,  Nassau County United Redistricting Coalition (“Coalition”), an independent non-partisan coalition co-founded by LatinoJustice, Common  Cause New York, La Fuente, and, the League of Women Voters of Nassau County; we have also developed and launched the...
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