Empowering Voters.
Defending Democracy.

Who is your Legislator?  How can you contact him/her?

Answers to these questions can be found in the 2017 handy reference guide of

 “They Represent You: A Directory of Public Officials”

published by The League of Women Voters of Nassau County

The League of Women Voters of Nassau County has announced the availability of their 2017 “They Represent You: A Directory of Public Officials.”  The publication is available at many libraries in Nassau County. It can also be purchased from the LWV for $2.00 per single copy. Reduced pricing is available for quantities of 10 or more, with significantly reduced pricing for large orders.

“They Represent You” is a ready reference of names, addresses, phone numbers, fax numbers, email addresses and websites for our national, state, county, town, city and village legislators. It even includes committee assignments for our Nassau County legislators.

For a single copy, send a check for $2.00, made out to LWVNC – Education Foundation, to LWV of Nassau County, PO Box 221, Port Washington, NY 11050.   For larger quantities, call 516-431-1628, or email info@lwveastnassau.org, for an order form. Please provide your mail and/or email address.
