Empowering Voters. Defending Democracy.

2018 Daily Briefing: Thursday

Thursday-June 28, 2018
As League members from around the country descended on Chicago, our pre-Con day kicked off with an advocacy and organizing training. Hundreds of League attendees participated in a lively, candid, and productive conversation about how we can best mobilize and organize for success in this challenging new environment. This Wellstone Action training focused on how to use mobilizing tools for organizing in communities. Leaders broke into groups discussing how to engage new volunteers and build upon existing volunteer networks. Leaders shared ways that different Leagues organize voter registration campaigns and advocacy campaigns as a part of the Making Democracy Work®Campaign.

Thursday evening we were honored to hear from Ruth Greenwood and Nick Stephanopoulos in A Conversation on Redistricting. Greenwood served on the legal team for the plaintiffs in the United States Supreme Court case Gill v. Whitford which the Court decided two weeks ago. Stephanopoulos created the Efficiency Gap Theory, which is the standard the court considered in the Gill v. Whitford case. Both are co-council for the League of Women Voters of North Carolina in their partisan gerrymandering case, LWV v. Rucho.

Thursday concluded with workshops and caucuses sponsored by Leagues across the country.

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