Empowering Voters. Defending Democracy.

2018 Students Inside Albany Conference The 2018 Students Inside Albany Conference had 59 attendees representing 38 local Leagues, MAL Units and ILO’s. The students came from all over New York State from Long Island to Buffalo and Plattsburgh to Binghamton. They ranged from sophomores to seniors in high school. They were energetic and enthusiastic to...
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By January, it became clear to our Leagues throughout the state of New York that our country was suffering from pains of political chaos exacerbated by a level of ignorance regarding how government functions and astonishment that changes at all levels require consistent and active participation. Amidst all of this political unrest exists passion and...
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This past year has been both challenging and rewarding for voter service committees and Leagues throughout the state. With our country becoming more polarized than ever, all our candidate events needed to not only be nonpartisan but perceived as nonpartisan. At the July 2017 board meeting the new board adopted two policies. The policy on”...
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Constitutional Convention Ballot Proposal After discussion and review of the process under which the state board applies League positions to specific action and advocacy, and the precedent of how the League board applied the Constitutional Convention position to the 1997 ballot question, the 2017-2019 State board agreed at its first meeting after Convention 2017 that...
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We thank all those local Leagues who voted on our annual budget and sent directions to the board in advance of our June 7th Council. 23 local Leagues participated. A total of 170 proxy votes would be available if all Leagues participated, with 17 (10%) needed to constitute a quorum. The 84 qualified proxy votes...
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CANDIDATE EVENTS ESSENTIALS EACH AND EVERY CANDIDATE EVENT, NO MATTER WHAT IT IS NAMED, MUST ABIDE BY WRITTEN POLICY Develop a comprehensive written Candidate Event policy reviewed annually by the Board that includes: Non-partisan statement. Prohibition against empty chair debates (LWVNY adopted policy July 2017). Recording policy. Criteria for Candidate inclusion (LWVNY recommends only including...
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If you are no longer President or on your local League board, please forward this to the appropriate board member – and be sure that your League has submitted the changes in your board to the state office. Local League To Do’s (email: lwvny@lwvny.org or call 518-465-4162) Complete and return the Local League Update form...
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