Empowering Voters.
Defending Democracy.

57th Biennial State Convention – June 9-11

The 57th State League Convention is scheduled for June 10-11, 2017, at the Holiday Inn Express in Liverpool, NY (just off the Thruway near Syracuse). The Registration Kit is now available on the state website

(http://www.lwvny.org/programs-studies/concon/2017/Registration-Kit-2017.pdf). Encourage all members to attend, even if as Visitors or for free to the workshops!

Field Trip!

To celebrate women achieving the right to vote in 1917 in NYS, the state League is organizing a field trip from Liverpool to Seneca Falls on Friday, June 9 (day before Convention actually begins). This is will a separate charge and everyone is welcome (not just convention attendees); tours of the Elizabeth Cady Stanton home, Women’s Hall of Fame and the Women’s Rights National History Park (and Wesleyan Chapel), as well as dinner and a speaker at an historic restaurant in Seneca Falls, will be included. You will need to be in Liverpool by noon on Friday to join this trip. The Registration Form for this tour is also posted on the website (http://www.lwvny.org/programs-studies/concon/2017/Suffrage-Tour-Registration-Form.pdf).

Caucuses or Info Sessions

Local Leagues and members can offer caucuses or info sessions at the state Convention to share their own concerns or successes. Local leagues simply tell the state League that they would like to offer a caucus and we’ll reserve a room for you. Then, you are responsible for presenting or coordinating the discussion on this topic.

Volunteers are Needed!

Volunteers are needed to help at the state Convention. You should all send as many voting delegates as you are entitled, but if you have others that want to attend only part of Convention, encourage them to become volunteers. Here are some reasons why:

  • Delegates can volunteer during non-plenary hours.
  • Visitors can volunteer during plenary and observe plenary at no charge.
  • Volunteering is a great way to meet and network with fellow Leaguers.

Contact Joan Johnson, Volunteer Coordinator, at 315-488-4339 or by email at jaj62@twcny.rr.com.

Anyone can attend the workshops on Saturday, June 10, in the morning, and, if they register as a Visitor, may observe the plenary sessions. Volunteers will be allowed to attend plenary also, as space permits.


Your local League has accomplished some amazing things these past two years! You know it, and you need to get recognized for your hard work. Submit a Nominating Application to win an award for your hard work. The award categories are as follows:

  • Carrie Chapman Catt Visibility And Leadership Award
  • Inez Milholland Women’s History Award
  • Susan B. Anthony Making Democracy Work Award
  • Victoria Woodhull Get Out The Vote Award
  • Eleanor Roosevelt Youth Program Award
  • Harriet Tubman Off The Beaten Path Award

The forms are attached and available on the state website homepage at: http://www.lwvny.org/programs-studies/concon/2017/Award-forms-2017.pdf. Forms are due in the state office by April 28.

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