Empowering Voters. Defending Democracy.

To further our efforts on this crucial representation issue, the League has joined up with three other organizations and named ourselves,  Nassau County United Redistricting Coalition (“Coalition”), an independent non-partisan coalition co-founded by LatinoJustice, Common  Cause New York, La Fuente, and, the League of Women Voters of Nassau County; we have also developed and launched the website – nassauunitedredistricting.org.

The Coalition was launched in response to a shameful political hostage situation where politicians have put their personal and partisan interest in the redistricting outcome far ahead of the welfare of Nassau County residents (read the press releases here). A meeting held by the Redistricting Commission for Nassau County, in late June 2012, turned into a partisan affair. The committee voted on the redistricting criteria without input from for the public, referring to public comments as “gratuitous.”

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