Empowering Voters. Defending Democracy.


Press-Conf-1-14-13_5I have not been prouder to be a League member when on February 25th, really the 26th, at 12:53 AM the county legislature recessed without taking a vote on the proposed map that would create new voting districts in Nassau County.

It was an eleven plus hour meeting with one party packing the meeting room by 1 PM and then the legislature taking two plus hours to complete its other business before addressing the agenda item about the map.

Needless to say, those attending were being worn down and many had to leave as the hour approached 5PM and it was time to get pick up kids from school and get dinner let alone those who had evening commitments.

So many Leaguers attended and testified at this very important legislature session.

At 12:53AM, six Leaguers and a handful of others were high fiving and hugging as we achieved what we were after: that they deliberate about the testimony they had heard before taking a vote. The 26th of February indeed has seen now a new map with revisions that are somewhat cosmetic and continue the partisan gerrymandering.

The legislature vote is now set for March 5th , and League will be there testifying about the process that got the County to the Charter deadline date of March 5th essentially with all of our backs against the wall. I anticipate the vote will be for this new map, probably along party lines of 10-9, and that the courts will then decide by end of April if the map stands up to the Voting Rights Act.

Whatever the vote though, League served its mission and I feel very good – not the ideal outcome, but one that is better than any of us anticipated.

Looking forward, it is time for Southwest Nassau to look at Bay Park. I hope many of you have read the articles in the Herald about the Bay Park Sewage Treatment Plant. Your board is hoping to take this issue on and push for the necessary improvements of infrastructure for the citizens and residents in the County. Look for the articles in this newsletter on the subject and stay tuned!

Upcoming events include the spring potluck on Saturday, April 13th at the Rosenthal’s, the county convention in late May, and our annual meeting in June. Also, the nominating committee will be at work in the coming months; if anyone would like to know more about how to participate in League as a Board Member, please contact me or any Board member.

Nancy Rosenthal



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