Empowering Voters. Defending Democracy.

On May 4, at the United Universalist Congregation at Shelter Rock, over 60 people got together to learn about the Science & the Law of Aquifer Protection.

The symposium, sponsored by the Sierra Club and Water for Long Island, and co-sponsored by the Center for Water
Resources Management at NYIT, and the League of Women Voters of Nassau County, presented information on:

  • Water Rights and New York’s New Water Withdrawal
  • Permitting Law, Saltwater Intrusion at Selected LI
  • Locations, Contaminants of Emerging Concern, and
  • Unregulated Contaminants such as 1,4 Dioxane and PFAS.

Despite the fact that some of the technical information was a bit over the heads of some of us, it was fascinating, and at the same time, quite distressing. An excellent panel discussion by the presenters and several government officials on the local and state levels, followed by a question and answer period, ended the program.

There is so much that we still do not know about what is happening to the sole source aquifer beneath our feet. And, sadly, the money from the state that was appropriated and promised to LI to do very urgent and needed studies two years ago has yet to get through to the USGS so that they can begin their work. We’re working on it.

Stay tuned!


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