Empowering Voters. Defending Democracy.

Father’s Day Tributes

Many of us wear buttons saying, “League of Women Voters-Not for Women Only.” In 1973, the League’s charter was amended to allow male members and we have benefited from that change ever since. Any study of the history of women’s suffrage includes the men who stood alongside the suffragists and fought for women to have an equal say in government. 

So, this Father’s Day, we are giving you a chance to honor the inspiring men in your life. As a tribute to the special man in your life, Click here to make a tax deductible donation to the League of Women Voters of New York State Education Foundation  for Father’s Day by June 12, 2019. Whether it is your husband, father, son, or someone else who helps you celebrate your civic responsibility, you can honor them this Father’s Day with a gift to the League.  In recognition of your gift of $25 or more (by June 12), we will send a personalized card to the person you designate and let him know you honored him with a Father’s Day contribution to the Education Foundation. Perhaps you would make $100 donation in honor of 100 years of the League!

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