Empowering Voters.
Defending Democracy.

Jennifer Wilson, Director of Program & Policy,


Budget Testimony

This year the League submitted and presented testimony at a total of three budget hearings. We submitted testimony on election law to the Joint Committee on Public Protection and education testimony to the Joint Committee on Education. We presented our testimony on ethics reforms to the Joint Committee on Local and General Government. The three testimonies that were completed are posted on our website. Click here for: Election Law, Education, and Ethics Reforms.


New Project with NYS Education Department and NYS Social Studies Supervisor Association

The State League office has a very exciting project in the works with the State Education Department and the NYS Social Studies Supervisors Association (NYSSSA). The League was contacted by the two agencies during the fall of 2016 about a potential push to get civics back into classrooms. We are just in the beginning stages of this campaign but the goal of the project is to ensure that all seniors are registered to vote before they graduate from high school.
As a first step, the state League will be hosting an exhibit table at the NYSSSA convention in March. We will be distributing information on registering students to vote to all social studies teachers. We will also be handing out our membership brochures, Citizen Lobbyist, First Vote, SIA materials, and Constitutional Convention materials. We will be giving teachers contact information for Local League Presidents in their area. It is our hope that local Leagues will help these teachers in securing additional materials to get their students registered to vote as well as answer any questions they may have about holding voter drives or submitting completed voter registration forms.

