Empowering Voters.
Defending Democracy.

Ballot Ready Recap of June Primary

Ballot Ready Recap of June Primary:

In spite of many New Yorkers not having a congressional primary, we had fairly good usage on Ballot Ready.

  • In the month of June our site had 5,578 views.
  • A total of 1,918 users.
  • A total of 2,320 sessions (this accounts for multiple sessions by individual users.
  • Ballot Ready uploaded all 13 Congressional races and 53 candidates.

In addition to timely usage data, Ballot Ready has provided us with a spreadsheet containing the emails of users who shared their contact data to either be reminded to vote or to be alerted when our next guide is live.

  • 90 users “made a plan to vote”
  • 175 users signed up to receive an alert when the next guide is live.

The website with races and candidates for the Sept 13 primary will be live by August 20 using the same link. Be sure to check out if you have races after August 20!

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