Empowering Voters. Defending Democracy.

In the 1840s, when most women in the U.S. were considered the property of their husbands and courts blocked the use of domestic violence protections, early suffrage leaders, Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Jocelyn Gage, saw that their neighbors, members of the Haudeosaunee indigenous people, had rights for women against assault and rape which were unknown...
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Ballot Ready Recap of June Primary: In spite of many New Yorkers not having a congressional primary, we had fairly good usage on Ballot Ready. In the month of June our site had 5,578 views. A total of 1,918 users. A total of 2,320 sessions (this accounts for multiple sessions by individual users. Ballot Ready...
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Sally Robinson, sally.s.robinson@gmail.com, and Jennifer Wilson, jennifer@lwvny.org   Legislative Wrap-Up The legislative session has ended and as expected, the Legislature failed to pass any of the progressive reforms we had advocated for. We weren’t the only group scorned by the Assembly and Senate; very few issues were able to be resolved before the two-houses gaveled out...
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The legislative session has ended. As expected, the Legislature failed to pass any of the progressive reforms we advocated for. We weren’t the only group scorned by the Assembly and Senate; very few issues were able to be resolved before the two houses gaveled out. Election law reforms, single payer health care, the Reproductive Health...
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Sally Robinson, sally.s.robinson@gmail.com, and Jennifer Wilson, jennifer@lwvny.org Legislative Wrap-Up The legislative session has ended and as expected, the Legislature failed to pass any of the progressive reforms we had advocated for. We weren’t the only group scorned by the Assembly and Senate; very few issues were able to be resolved before the two-houses gaveled out...
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2018 State Council Click here to read the 2018 Council Report. The Council meeting was held at the state office on June 7, 2018, at which time the proxy votes were counted and the 2018-19 State League Budget was approved. Thank you to all who participated and share the Council Report as it provides a good...
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Re: Disaster at the Border We’re attacking this issue from a few different angles. We’ve added the League’s name to two coalition letters. The first is from the Value Our Families Campaign. The letter opposes cuts to our family-based immigration system and the diversity visa program or ramped up enforcement measures that would further tear...
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Click here to read the 2018 Council Report. The Council meeting was held at the state office on June 7, 2018, at which time the proxy votes were counted and the 2018-19 State League Budget was approved. Thank you to all who participated and share the Council Report as it provides a good summary of...
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The state League has once again secured an exhibit space at the New York State Fair to register voters and provide voting information! In 2016 we registered nearly 1,000 voters and assisted thousands more by distributing voter education materials and absentee ballot applications. This year we want to beat that record and help even more...
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