Empowering Voters.
Defending Democracy.

October 8th Update from LWV of Nassau County Redistricting Committee

Nassau County’s Temporary Districting Advisory Commission will hold public meetings well into late October, the Nassau League of Women Voters Redistricting Committee is postponing the previously announced October 11 follow-up meeting with our Coalition.  We’ll advise you on the rescheduled date. Note dates and venues for the remaining public meetings, all starting at 6:00 pm: Oct 13: Caroline G. Atkinson Intermediate […]

Upcoming Redistricting Commission Hearings Schedule and Locations

The League encourages all Nassau County residents to attend one of the five upcoming Commission hearings and provide public comments and input regarding how your community should be represented in new legislative district maps. The upcoming hearing dates and locations are listed below. All hearings begin at 6:00 pm.  Sept. 8 at North Hempstead Town […]


Nassau County Advisory Redistricting Commission met for the first time on August 31 to hear testimony from the public about their concerns about the new redistricting lines to be drawn. There will be 5 additional hearings that have been scheduled. It is vital that League be at these meetings. We need to make sure our […]

El Proceso de Reordenación de Distritos Electorales Legislativos

***IMPORTANTE*** El Proceso de Reordenación de Distritos Electorales Legislativos 2022/2023 ¡Haga escuchar su voz para el futuro de Nassau County! INVOLUCRESE HOY MISMO! Asista y Participe en la próxima audiencia: Jueves 8 de septiembre 2022, 6PM North Hempstead Town Hall 220 Plandome Road, Manhasset   ***PARTICIPACION DE LOS HABITANTES ES NECESARIA*** Por favor asista, involúcrese, […]

Voter Service Shout-Out

Wall Joy that says Woo Hoo! on concrete background

We want to give a special shout-out to the following members for contributing their time and talents for our candidate forums and voter registration activities: Dania Smith Michele Greenblatt Jeany Beir Mary Price Barbara Josepher Fran Weiss Ginny Carew Grace Felicetti, and last, but certainly not least, Barbara Epstein We are counting on their continuing […]

Redistricting in NYS and Nassau County

New York State The court has set new district lines for both the US House of Representatives and the NYS Senate. The primary date (as of June 1) for these offices will be August 23. So far, the NYS Assembly lines are still the ones approved by the NYS legislature and signed by the Governor. […]