Empowering Voters.
Defending Democracy.

Lobby Reproductive Choice

FPA Lobby Day On January 30th Family Planning Advocates will be having their annual lobby day at the Convention Center in Albany. The group anticipates more than 1,200 people will be in attendance. If you wish to sign up to help the group advocate for reproductive choice and contraceptive coverage visit their website.  

LWVUS Action

  Sign our Voter Suppression Petition Our petition to stop voter suppression has received over 10,000 signatures in the last 2 weeks. We continue to share the message on social media: “I will work with the League to stop voter suppression tactics that threaten our democracy and the right to vote.” If you haven’t already, […]

State Nominating Committee

It’s never too early to think about leadership… defining roles, evaluating performance and planning for the future. We need your help! As your LWVNY 2017 Nominating Committee, our charge is to present a slate of officers/directors at Convention in Syracuse next year (June 2017). If you, or anyone you might recommend from your local League are […]

57th Biennial State Convention – June 9-11

LEAGUE’S STATE CONVENTION IS COMING! The 57th State League Convention is scheduled for June 10-11, 2017, at the Holiday Inn Express in Liverpool, NY (just off the Thruway near Syracuse). We will be sending out the registration kits in February.   Field Trip! To celebrate women achieving the right to vote in 1917 in NYS, […]

Panel Discussion on Original NYS Constitution

Free and Independent States: The History of the New York State Constitution   The original NYS Constitution was on display as a special exhibit at the NYS Museum (in Albany) from November 8-27, 2016. The state League and the NYS Archives Partnership Trust Foundation organized a panel discussion on the creation and adoption of this important […]

From the State Office

(l to r: Kate, Katrina, Laura, Jennifer and Lisa) Happy Holidays to all from the state office!   We’ve had a busy fall and we’re preparing for a busy winter and spring. Thanks for everyone’s help on the elections – all 4 (3 primaries and a general election) that there were. You all did amazing […]