Empowering Voters.
Defending Democracy.

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Task Force: September 2021

Diversity Equity and Inclusion Team

The DEI Task Force met with a LWVUS Board member and representative of the National LWV DEI Committee, at her request on September 9, 2021. Ms. Lali Watt wanted to gain a better insight into what was transpiring at our State’s local chapters relative to DEI. We were thoroughly complimented after the meeting. A written […]

Voter Services by: Judie Gorenstein

This month the challenges as well as the opportunities for voter service have continued.  The challenge is to gather information and progress that state and county BOEs are making, find out more specifics, and disseminate it to first our local Leagues and then to the voters.  The Making Our Democracy Grant we received from LWVUS […]

League Testimony

During the past month, the state League provided testimony on many issues (see the testimony on the state League website homepage): NYS Complete Count Commission on the 2020 Census NY Health Act Automatic Voter Registration (to be given on Thursday this week) Before NYC BOE: Early Voting Implementation Laura Ladd Bierman, LWVNYS Executive Director, is […]

From the State President

So much for those lazy, hazy days of summer we used to know! If your local League is like mine, you are having a surge of interest in the critical work we do that you haven’t seen for years, maybe ever. Voter registration, candidate events, forums on immigration and other hot topics, and more are […]

From the State President

So much for those lazy, hazy days of summer we used to know!  If your local League is like mine, you are having a surge of interest in the critical work we do that you haven’t seen for years, maybe ever. Voter registration, candidate events, forums on immigration and other hot topics, and more are […]

From the State President

If you weren’t at one of our regional meetings in Schenectady, Cortland or Rochester, you missed some good times and some even better conversations about a wide range of issues. We have so much to learn from one another and we thank all who came. At lunch at all three gatherings we talked with all […]

From the State President

In real estate the mantra may be “Location, location, location,” but for the League and for most organizations, nonprofit or otherwise, it’s “relationships, relationships, relationships.” Whether you need to get a bill passed (or blocked), recruit or retain members, raise money, or simply re-energize your inner Concerned Citizen, you definitely won’t get far without building […]

From the State President

The first of THREE centennial years is heading fast into its peak month because it was on November 6, 1917 that suffragists officially triumphed here in NY. We certainly hope you know about Saturday, November 4 when an exhibit, “Votes for Women: Celebrating New York’s Suffrage Centennial,” will open at our State Museum in Albany […]

From the State President

One of the most pleasant tasks of being state board president is visiting local Leagues all over this amazing state of ours. While the glow has not yet faded from my last visit – in this case, to the Schuyler County LWV in the Southern Tier/Finger Lakes – let me share all the things that […]