Tragedy in Memphis

In early January, police officers killed 29-year-old Tyre Nichols during a traffic stop. In a joint statement, the Leagues of Memphis-Shelby County and the US said: “At the League, we seek a democracy that values and cherishes every person. When our systems continue to enact violence on Black bodies, our
Local League News

Rochester Metro Area The Rochester Metro League recently hosted an educational webinar panel titled Mental Health Crisis Response: How Has It Changed Since Daniel Prude? In the wake of Daniel Prude’s death at the hands of the police, the city of Rochester established the Person In Crisis team (PIC) to handle 911 cases that involve […]
PMP System Still in Effect for 2023
Reminder: Jan. 31 Freeze Date, PMP System Still in Effect for 2023 At Convention 2022, delegates voted to eliminate the per-member-payment (PMP) system in the future. Please note that the current PMP system is still in effect for 2023, and League Rosters will freeze on January 31, 2023. With the provisos in the LWVUS bylaws, […]
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News of the Week
Leagues across the country have seen an impressive increase in membership in recent months, as new Leagues are forming from Utah to Georgia to Pennsylvania. We continue to be recognized as a go-to organization advocating for voting rights. The League is a trusted source when this key issue is in the news such as the […]