Empowering Voters. Defending Democracy.

Mark your calendars for Lobby Day 2017 on April 25 in Albany. We will hear from our issue specialists on “hot topics” and coordinate visits with your own legislators to lobby on issues.
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LEAGUE’S STATE CONVENTION IS COMING! The 57 State League Convention is scheduled for June 10-11, 2017, at the Holiday Inn Express in Liverpool, NY (just off the Thruway near Syracuse). We will be sending out the registration kits next week.   Field Trip! To celebrate women achieving the right to vote in 1917 in NYS,...
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100th Anniversary Dates November 6, 2017                 100 th Anniversary of Woman Suffrage in New York State November 19, 2019               100th Anniversary of the League of Women Voters of New York State February 14, 2020            ...
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National Convention 2018 will be held June 28 – July 1 in Chicago! Please save the date and add a National Convention line item to your state and local League budgets for FY2017-18. The registration fee will be $450 per person and double rooms at the Hilton Chicago are $209 (plus tax) per night. We...
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Wednesday, March 1, 2017, 3:00 p.m. Board meeting at the Levittown Public Library. Thursday, March 2, 2017, 7:00 p.m. Candidates forum at the Freeport Memorial Library. The program is co-sponsored by the library and the league. The three teams running for the Village of Freeport Mayor, Trustee, and Village Justice have been invited. They are: Mayor Robert T....
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A CONFERENCE COMMEMORATING THE CENTENNIAL OF WOMEN’S SUFFRAGE IN NEW YORK STATE Friday & Saturday, April 21 & 22, 2017 The League of Women Voters of NYS Education Foundation is pleased to announce its co-sponsorship on this educational conference to be held in Hyde Park, New York, in April. League members are encouraged to attend...
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During the 2016 LWVUS National Convention, delegates approved amendments to Article III, Section 2 of the bylaws pertaining to Types of Membership. Requirements around voting membership in League were changed. As League policy requires consistency in the first three articles of the bylaws of all Leagues, this memorandum explains how state and local Leagues and...
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FPA Lobby Day On January 30th Family Planning Advocates will be having their annual lobby day at the Convention Center in Albany. The group anticipates more than 1,200 people will be in attendance. If you wish to sign up to help the group advocate for reproductive choice and contraceptive coverage visit their website.   Author...
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