Issues and Advocacy – October 2022
Sally Robinson, VP for Issues and Advocacy, Erica Smitka, Deputy Director, Election Protection Education As we near the mid-term elections, an increasing number of conversations have focused on election security and ensuring that NYS is holding fair and reliable elections. This week, the state League has launched an education campaign in which we […]
Democracy Defense Fund

The Democracy Defense Fund is designed to protecting voting rights and advance a more equitable democracy through advocacy and voter protection efforts. Our efforts to register, educate, and mobilize voters in the New American Majority must be accompanied by work to protect their voting rights and expand their access through persistent advocacy for a more equitable […]
National Voter Registration
The fate of the National Voter Registration Act (NVRA) now lies with the Supreme Court. For the second time in as many months, the justices are hearing arguments on vital legislation that has encouraged active participation in our democracy for nearly two decades. The League of Women Voters of Arizona is a plaintiff in the […]