Empowering Voters.
Defending Democracy.


County Website PhotoHave you looked at the County website  (www.lwveastnassau.org) lately????  It is pretty darn phenomenal. Members have commented on the joy they feel at the information available to the public and to our members. Try and stop in at my county and local site at least twice a week … things are always changing.

Do you like the press release box on www.lwveastnassau.org? It’s on the left side of the screen under the search box.  As our group garners more news coverage, we add them to our press release page for all to see. In addition to the press release feature, we’re adding videos to the site as well. Take a look at the video of our forum at Hofstra and let us know how you like it..

Lisa Scott from Suffolk, who is coming to our Post Election Dinner on November 14th, looked at our site and she was very impressed with our county website. This is even more gratifying considering that she was instrumental in helping Nancy Rosenthal to begin the website building process two or three years ago.

And while you’re admiring the Nassau County website, don’t forget to drop by our Facebook page (www.facebook.com/eagerleaguers) to tell us what’s on your mind.

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