Empowering Voters.
Defending Democracy.

Laura Ladd Bierman, Laura@lwvny.org

Democracy Ready NY Coalition

The League is pleased to be a partner in the Democracy Ready NY coalition. A press release on the coalition was distributed last week.

The DemocracyReady NY Coalition, a new statewide group working to secure the right of all New York students to a quality P-12 education that prepares them for effective civic participation, announced its launch today, a day when many are reflecting on the past, present, and future of our democracy.

The coalition of educational-justice organizations, civic-education leaders, and good-government advocates was forged by the Center for Educational Equity at Teachers College, Columbia University, following a year of consultation with stakeholder groups and leaders from across the state. DemocracyReady NY will help guide New York’s legislature and education policymakers as they advance their education priorities for the 2019 legislative session and beyond….

DemocracyReady NY promotes the right of all New York students to develop the knowledge, skills, experiences, and dispositions needed to become effective civic participants. The Coalition will raise awareness of students’ right to effective civic preparation under the New York State constitution, and work to strengthen state education law, policy, practice, and resources to guarantee that right in every school in the state.
