Empowering Voters. Defending Democracy.

Concurrence on State Level Death with Dignity Study

What is League Concurrence?
CONCURRENCE as defined by LWVUS LEAGUE BASICS is: agreement by League members with a position on an issue reached by a small group of members or by another League. Based on LWVUS precedent, it is not necessary that the “decision statement” or “pre-stated position” follow verbatim the position upon which it is based.

This fall, we will be asked to come to concurrence (or not) on two issues: The first is regarding a small change in our position on Charter Schools in the state. The second is regarding the Death with Dignity position arrived at by the LWV of Utah, after a full study. We have all of the materials the Leagues in Utah used for their consensus as well as a lot of additional information. You can go to the LWVNYS website: lwvny.org to find this information; and you can and should attend our general meetings in December and January, to hear reports and discuss the issue. You can begin by reading the Death with Dignity Glossary below.


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