Empowering Voters.
Defending Democracy.


League Direct Mail Appeal

We continue to be active at the Capitol during this budget process. If you haven’t already done so and you’d like to make a gift to support our advocacy efforts, please use this link to make a gift today:  https://secure.lglforms.com/form_engine/s/hQUE1blw9x-qEEC6eqk1Yg. We are hard at work making our voices heard at the Legislature this year-speaking up for accessible and transparent government in New York State. Add your voice by making a gift to the League.

Many people support the Education Foundation but the League also engages in activities that cannot be funded through the EF, such as advocacy, service to local Leagues, and leadership training for members. This fundraising appeal is designed to highlight those activities and ask for support of our 501©4. If you have already made a gift, thank you!

Create a Lasting Legacy for the League

The League has been around for almost 100 years, in part because of the vitality of our members and mission, and also because members who have gone before have remembered the League in their wills. Bequests are the most popular way donors make deferred gifts. By making a bequest to the League, you can maintain control of your assets during your lifetime and still support the League for the next generation of members. You can make a bequest that is a percentage of your estate or stipulate a specific dollar amount. To find out more about naming the League in your will, contact Kate Jankowski, Communications and Development Coordinator, at (518) 465-4162 or via e-mail at kate@lwvny.org.


Kate Jankowski, Director of Communications & Development, Kate@lwvny.org

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