Empowering Voters.
Defending Democracy.

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Task Force: September 2021

The DEI Task Force met with a LWVUS Board member and representative of the National LWV DEI Committee, at her request on September 9, 2021. Ms. Lali Watt wanted to gain a better insight into what was transpiring at our State’s local chapters relative to DEI. We were thoroughly complimented after the meeting. A written report of the information provided by the five of the Task Force Members will be shared with all local Leagues soon. We hope to annualize the “Stories of DEI Success” reporting from thus forth.

Several new members will join the Task Force, and most having served in 2020-2021 will continue. We lost a few… to becoming their local league’s president! An updated listing of members will be made available in October.

Our potential project list, in addition to planning and providing more educational opportunities, includes:

  • Research and Develop a “Diversifying Membership” Tip Sheet
  • Research and Develop an “Acknowledgement of Indigenous Land and People” Tip Sheet
  • Website Page Development
  • Analysis of Survey inputs from membership (total from 2 workshops = 184) and align with 2020 NYS DEI Assessment Survey Results (to be repeated in 2023)
  • Research and Development of a set of Metrics for DEI
  • Consideration of a LWVNYS Award Name and Criteria for local leagues to submit their DEI planning and accomplishments for recognition and acknowledgement (Biennial Conference)
  • Fundraising via Grants and Sponsorships
  • Develop a DEI 21-Day Challenge (or some configuration like 5 x 5 = five days x 5 weeks) for, and by, LWV
  • Initiate “JEEDI for Change” (Collective or Individual League Member Action in the name of Justice, Empathy, Equity, Diversity & Inclusion)
