Empowering Voters.
Defending Democracy.

Congress in Inaction
President Barack Obama delivers his State of the Union speech before a joint session of Congress at the U.S. Capitol Feb. 12, 2013.
Photo by Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images

Well there you have it.

Ninety percent of the people in this country have told Congress that it is time to do something about background checks on buyers of guns. So what difference did that make to the people we send to represent us? Obviously not very much. The Senate has decided that what the people want doesn’t matter as much as getting reelected does.

They have shown us that big money from the NRA and the big business’s that make and sell guns can buy their votes and override the will of the people. I don’t believe there have ever, in the history of this country, been such a blatant disregard of responsibility and the ignoring of the will of the people as we have just witnessed by the Senate’s latest vote.

Congress Isn’t the Only One With A Voice

If the self-serving servants of the people think that it is over then they had better get their resumes ready because come election time the people, the voters they chose to ignore, can make them remember that the voice of the people can ring louder than the clink of thirty pieces of silver. The Senate has spoken and now it’s the people’s turn to be heard, not by polls but by using a voice that can not be ignored.

Tell Congress What You Think

Your letters and calls to those representing us, in both the Senate and the House of Representatives, should be a constant reminder, and a reinforcement of what you believe to be important on all issues. Let your voices be heard over and over again so they know that even though they have chosen not to hear the voices of 90% of the people, the people have heard them. Remind them that they may have a vote in Washington D.C. but you have a vote at the voting booth.

We all have a responsibility in our governance. Let’s not ignore our responsibility so the people who are sent to represent us don’t forget theirs.

Here in New York we are fortunate our two Senators, Charles Schumer and Kirsten Gillibrand, recognizes the importance of doing something about the unbridled violence in our society and voted for the voice of the people.

By Harris Dinkoff
