Empowering Voters.
Defending Democracy.

Seminar and Panel Discussion
Wednesday October 16, 6:00 – 8:00 pm
Hofstra University Student Center Theater – North Campus

Sponsored by Hofstra University and the Nassau County Bar Association.

This is the first time early voting will happen in NYS, and almost no one we speak to is aware of it. Disseminating information about early voting is one of our major missions for this election season.

Each county’s implementation of early voting is different and unique.

In Nassau, any registered voter will be able to vote early at any of the 15 early voting locations indicated above.

Barbara Epstein, one of the four members of the East Nassau Management Team will be one of the panelists.

Let’s all attend to hear the facts and to show Barbara our support.

And, be sure to alert your friends, relatives and neighbors, and encourage them to attend as well.
