Empowering Voters.
Defending Democracy.

Dear Readers,

It has been more than 20 years since I became editor of the LWVEN VOTER. When I began, I was not very experienced with computer programs (Excel is still a challenge for me), however I have learned a lot just by doing. I was actually the first editor in our League to produce the VOTER on a computer. Believe it or not, the last editor had a typist type up the material she was given by the co-Presidents, then she pasted it up – with paper and paste – and gave it to a typesetter to print.

 Being bulletin editor soon became my primary job for our local League, until now. I am planning to move out of the area in the fall and am quite busy getting my house ready for sale, so I must say goodbye to the VOTER, though I hope copies will be emailed to me by whomever takes over the position. I would really like to stay in touch and know what is happening in East Nassau, my home for the past 53 years.

 Special thanks to my wonderful proofreaders over the years, especially Bobbie Josepher, Judy Schmertz and Mimi Hirsch (I miss Mimi a lot!) without whom there would have been far more errors; to those who provided articles and other meaningful content for this publication; and to our terrific advertisers, whose help has been so very appreciated.

With best wishes, Paula
