Empowering Voters. Defending Democracy.

From LWV of Colorado on Immigration Reform

All members are invited to join Google Group to work on this issue.

At the LWVUS Convention in Denver, the topic of Immigration Reform and LWVUS Advocacy was the focus of both a caucus and a resolution. 

The Immigration Reform and LWVUS Advocacy resolution was sponsored by a broad group of LWV members from across the country. It received a strong YES vote of 767-32. The goals of the motion were to encourage active advocacy by LWVUS and also support for state and local advocacy on immigration. The motion read as follows:

    Whereas the League of Women Voters has had a long-standing immigration position since 2008 and a strong commitment to Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI),

    Be it resolved that LWVUS actively advocates and supports Immigration Reform at all levels of LWV.  

 A caucus entitled “Immigration Reform and League Advocacy” was attended by about 60 people in person as well as many virtually. The steering committee for the caucus now wants to take the momentum from the Convention and build a broader group of Leaguers dedicated to taking action.

A LWV Immigration Google Group connects members interested in immigration for the sharing of ideas for education, announcements of events and strategies for action. 

To join send your name, league affiliation and email to Jane Andrews, a member in San Diego jmlandrews@gmail.com.  Additionally there will be Zoom meetings and webinars to learn what is happening in states and collaborate on legislative action.

For those working on healthcare reform, we see the intersectionality of the issue of immigration with promoting universal healthcare. Our public health depends on everyone having access to affordable, quality healthcare.

Linda Mahan, LWV Larimer County, CO


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