Empowering Voters. Defending Democracy.


First Call to National Convention 2018
The League of Women Voters’ 53rd National Convention will be held at the Hilton Chicago in Chicago, IL, from Thursday, June 28 through Sunday, July 1, 2018. We invite our League members to save these dates and plan to join hundreds of passionate and engaged leaders for our biennial national gathering. More information and the full “first call” is available here.

League Supports We the People Democracy Reform Act
The legislation has been introduced in the House and Senate by Senator Udall (D-NM) and Representative Price (D-NC4) and offers a clear path forward for improving our democracy. This legislation will elevate the voices of the American people so we can be heard over the special interests and partisan bickering. This bill will strengthen our elections with automatic and online registration, enabling more voters to participate in our great democracy.

Rally to Support the Dream Act During House Recess
The League supports passage of the Dream Act and Congress has until the end of December to pass this important legislation. Join activists calling on Congress to pass a clean Dream Act at rallies and district office visits around the country next week while the U.S. House is on recess.

Election Observation Training Resources from LWVUS and the Carter Center
LWVUS, in conjunction with the Carter Center, created two online courses to support election observation volunteers and to guide election observation programs. The two courses, Volunteer Observer Training and Core Team Election Observation Training, are geared toward different audiences. The former is meant to be used by election observation volunteers, while the latter is meant to be used by more experienced volunteers, leaders, and staff who are setting up election observation programs in their states or localities. These materials were developed after the Carter Center and LWV Ohio executed a pilot election observation training program in 2016, and were
reviewed extensively by LWV Wisconsin. Find instructions on how to enroll in the courses to access materials here.

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