Empowering Voters.
Defending Democracy.

Yes, we do realize that it’s already October and this is the September State Voter, but I think most of you understand. This fall is already going way too fast and we just haven’t had enough time to do all that we want.

Thanks to all of the great work our members provided on Primary Day – answering phones, providing information, and many even being poll workers. Also, thanks to all who registered voters on National Voter Registration Day on
September 25th. It’s been great to see all the results and the photos (see at bottom of email).

If we look around, I think we can honestly say that the League of Women Voters has stepped up and helped to encourage more active and educated participation by the public in our elections. This was our primary goal almost 100 years ago, and still is one of our primary goals. And thanks to all of you, we continue to accomplish this goal each and every year.

I hope you also saw our recent announcement of the lesson plans on civics that have been distributed to social studies teachers across New York State. Thanks to a partnership with the NYS Social Studies Supervisory Associations, and three wonderful high school teachers, the League was able to offer 7 lesson plans focused on New York State and local governments with the double goal of educating our youth on how to become involved in their communities and government, and encouraging our youth to vote and become involved.

Lesson topics include:

Check out the press release on this project and the lesson plans at www.lwvnycivics.org

Laura Ladd Bierman, Executive Director
League of Women Voters of NYS
Laura@lwvny.org; Tel:518-465-4162
Facebook: League of Women Voters of NYS Twitter:@LWVNYS
