Empowering Voters.
Defending Democracy.

From the State President

I was one of over 1,000 people who turned out for a Rochester luncheon on February 15th honoring Susan B Anthony’s birthday and was lucky enough to get this picture with the “star” (an impersonator, of course). I was also

lucky enough to be wearing – just by chance – the red and black colors the Susan B. Anthony Museum and House is now featuring, so Susan and I matched.


     The museum has never had a response like this before – and it follows their great success this past Election Day and the day after when many thousands of people lined up (some waiting for hours – even with kids in tow) to attach a sticker to her grave saying they’d voted.


    There is clearly a new and renewed appreciation of the critical role Anthony played in helping women win the vote and it has become deeply personal for many. “Susan B Inspires Me” is their new slogan, and keynote speaker Ann Dexter Gordon, a prominent Anthony scholar, reinforced that message.


      As the living legacy of Anthony’s (and ultimately Carrie Chapman Catt’s) suffrage organization, the League rejoices in all the recognition she is getting. I enjoyed meeting many Rochester area League members in the crowd and I know I missed many others.


      Since 1917 was the year NY women won the right to vote, the celebrating has begun across our state and as LWVNYS president, I serve on the state Women’s Suffrage Centennial Commission (chaired by Lt. Gov. Kathy Hochul). I was also recently appointed to the LWVUS 100th Anniversary Committee. NY’s head start in planning has provided valuable insights and materials to the national effort. “Wow!” was the reaction of fellow LWVUS committee members to our toolkit for local Leagues – so kudos to all of you who helped on it.


  We are also proud of our new FIGHTING FOR DEMOCRACY pins which just arrived. When I wear one of these with my “Watch Out, I’m a Voter!” button, I get lots of good reactions from strangers. I highly recommend it. It’s our time to shine!


Dare Thompson, President

League of Women Voters of NYS

 darethompson@gmail.com;  Tel: 518-465-4162
Facebook: League of Women Voters of NYS

Twitter: @LWVNYS


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