Empowering Voters.
Defending Democracy.

We’re putting the final touches on the state Convention schedule and there’s a great line-up of speakers and workshops. It’s always a joy to see a lot of first-time Convention goers there, so we’ve planned topics to appeal to both the seasoned and the new League member. A good convention needs lots of both, so please talk it up and bring others!

Whatever your interest, there’ll be plenty choose from. You’ll get updates on NY’s new election laws and on VOTE411, tips on moderating candidate forums, and advice on making sure the 2020 census counts everyone. You’ll also get League management guidance on everything from engaging new members to using social media and other communication tools better.

You’ll be able to watch a film about food waste, talk about “What’s Hot on the Hill” and how to be an effective advocate, and swap stories about what we’re all doing to engage young people in their government – including our new civics lesson plans. And of course you’ll be given a refresher on parliamentary procedures and opportunities to discuss the state budget and by-laws changes and other state League business.

The above doesn’t even cover the speakers who will include one on the great political divide and how to bridge it and Elaine Weiss with her book on winning the vote, The Woman’s Hour, that was such a hit at the last LWVUS Convention. (I waited in line for about an hour to get my own signed copy!)

And running through the whole event will be opportunities to think about how we can make the League more inclusive. The NY Times recently had a widely shared story about racism in the suffrage movement that reminds us how much we are all shaped in our actions and beliefs by the culture of our time. Click here to read the article. How much are we still doing this and in what ways? What do we need to do to open up our work to everyone? What questions will our great grandchildren raise about US?

Dare Thompson, President
League of Women Voters of NYS
darethompson@gmail.com; Tel:518-465-4162
Facebook: League of Women Voters of NYS
