Empowering Voters.
Defending Democracy.

In real estate the mantra may be “Location, location, location,” but for the League and for most organizations, nonprofit or otherwise, it’s “relationships, relationships, relationships.” Whether you need to get a bill passed (or blocked), recruit or retain members, raise money, or simply re-energize your inner Concerned Citizen, you definitely won’t get far without building relationships.
You know this. You’ve probably learned the hard way that a written request often needs a phone call follow-up, a gift of time or money is less likely to be repeated without a personalized thank you, a member will find it easier to fade away when s/he’s never personally engaged in at least some form.
That’s why even in the midst of stress over dysfunctional government here and in DC, I feel buoyed by a very lively state board, assorted happy conversations with local League members here at home and across the state, and state League staff that “fights above its weight” even when its ranks are temporarily down.
Even when things are crazy, when a local League member calls, the office makes you a priority. We were all so worried about the loss of Barb Bartoletti’s connections and quotability at the Capitol, but just as Barb predicted, “Jennifer is ready,” and it’s exciting to see Jennifer come into her own in the Legislature and among the press and advocacy groups. She is building on Barbara’s training and relationships and growing her own. We are hearing from many of you that you also feel more connected than ever to your state government thanks to her regular updates to the field. Relationships!
Meanwhile a new state board member, Betty Ann King (LWV North Country), has reached out to all of you who are interested in sharing ideas about ways to engage young people and build the voters of the future. Another new member, Suzanne Stassevitch (LWV NYC), is helping figure out ways to make our electronic communications (websites, social media, etc) more effective. And both joined our recent conversation with our LWVUS Shur Fellow, Melissa Currence (a former member of the Young People’s Task Force at LWVUS, on the Ohio and Cincinnati League boards, and Interactive Media Manager at the Greater Cincinnati Foundation). Among other things, the call generated some new ways for all of us to be more connected with YOU. “Stay tuned!”
The above is all in addition to the regional meetings that are being planned across the state for March and April. Please plan to attend one near you! It is so clear from where I sit how greatly our relationships with our local League members strengthen everything we do at the state and national levels. It will be so good to see you there.
Dare Thompson, President
League of Women Voters of NYS
darethompson@gmail.com; Tel: 518-465-4162
Facebook: League of Women Voters of NYS
Twitter: @LWVNYS
