Empowering Voters.
Defending Democracy.

As we all listen to maybe way-too-much chatter about the Mueller Report, we can be grateful for the way it is refreshing everyone’s awareness of the fundamental importance of our voting system in our democracy. In New York the new election law reforms mean that we are hyper-focused on both halves of our League mission statement, “Empowering Voters. Defending Democracy.” We hope all local Leagues are taking advantage of this opportunity to remind their communities that we are here and are needed as much as we ever have been. Toss in climate change and the stakes have never been higher.  

Happily we were just awarded a $25,000 grant from LWVUS to help us educate our NY voters about the new laws. As you learn more about the specifics of what LWVNYS will be doing, be sure your local League is fully prepared to take advantage of the opportunities you’ll have to connect to local voters. My League works every fall with its library system and town supervisors organization to distribute Voters Guides. What other groups are helping you? What new ways of publicizing your work can we all come up with?  

More immediately, I alert you that the Pre-Convention Kit is on its way to you and there is a lot of information for you to absorb there. Share with others and set aside time yourself to get up to speed even if you can’t attend the convention. However, after you read about some of the speakers and other aspects of the convention, we hope you will do whatever you can to be there in person! The mix of new AND experienced members is especially important, so look around at your next League meeting and make sure that those who will add to – or get the most out of – the experience will be there. It comes ’round only every two years and we really want you there with us.  

Dare Thompson, President darethompson@gmail.com; Tel: 518-465-4162 Facebook: League of Women Voters of NYS Twitter: @LWVNYS
