Empowering Voters.
Defending Democracy.

Getting Out the Vote in 2022

Nancy Rosenthal, nancyrosenthal9@gmail.com

The key in 2022 will be Getting Out the Vote (GOTV)! All voters were helped last week with the signing of legislation allowing for Voting by Absentee Ballot due to the Covid-19 Pandemic through 2022. This legislation will “ensure the pandemic does not create inaccessibility for voters during upcoming elections and help protect New Yorkers’ access to the ballot,” according to Governor Hochul. The legislature is currently debating other legislation in regards to voting; we will be certain current and accurate voting information is available to Leagues as the Tuesday June 28, 2022 primary election and Tuesday November 8, 2022 general elections get closer.

Thanks to our own Voter Services Committee member, Kathleen Stein, who also chairs the Rural Caucus Committee which includes several Leagues throughout the US, the VS Committee is looking to model packets created by other Leagues in rural areas on Voter Registration and Voting that can be distributed by local Leagues to libraries or other groups/organizations. We are just beginning to look into the particulars and hope to have packets available by the summer.  These packets will facilitate registering voters!

The six pamphlets available from the League office on voting have been updated: First Vote, Individuals with Criminal Convictions or Detained in Jail or Prison, Homeless Individuals, College Students, Individuals with Disabilities, and Individuals with Mental Health Disabilities. These updated pamphlets will be available in March, if not sooner.
