Empowering Voters.
Defending Democracy.

Board member and Students Inside Albany Coordinator Lorraine Newman recently received an email from Domenique Masi, the Island Park High School student who represented LWVEN at the 2017 League of Women Voters of New York State Students Inside Albany (SIA) conference last spring. Now a student at Colgate University, Domenique wanted to express her appreciation for the opportunity to attend the conference.

She wrote:
“Everything is going great here, I cannot be happier. I talk about my experience in Albany all the time. I check in with my roommate [from SIA] from time to time.

Thank you for selecting me to go. At school, we just had a voter-registration drive. It was successful. I requested my absentee ballot to vote and am encouraging others to vote for positions in their hometowns as well.

I will be preparing my schedule for next semester with a political science class. We will see what happens…”
