Empowering Voters.
Defending Democracy.

President’s Message

As we begin 2023, I have to say how proud I am to be president of LWVNY. We accomplished so much in the past year and 2023 appears to be a year of opportunities for LWVNY and our members.

This year in New York, voters can register up until 10 days before Election Day. The 10 day voter registration bill became law on Dec. 23, 2022 and became effective January 1, 2023. While we still do not have same day registration, this change did not require a constitutional amendment and certainly make it easier for people to register and voter. New Yorkers need
to know and who better than the LWV to educate and register them.

On January 24th, both houses passed the ERA amendment which New York one step closer to our goal of codifying basic protections to all New Yorkers. Although this will not be on the ballot until 2924, now is the time to begin educating voters about all the rights that need to be and can be protected by this bill.

On Feb 14th, LWVUS will celebrate its 103rd birthday. This is a day to celebrate and for action. Find out what your league is doing and join in the celebration and actions. Be proud to be a member of the LWVNY.

June 3rd-June 4th is LWVNY Convention. After three years of virtual conventions, this will be in person and a wonderful opportunity to meet members from all parts of the state and participate whether you are a delegate or not. LWVNY is making major efforts to keep our members informed on not only what is happening in Albany but what our members can do.

On January 21, we held a Hot topics webinar where 100+ attendees learned how LWVNY adopts and takes action on issues as well as hearing from each of our issues specialist. If you were not able to attend, the recording is available. Every Friday you will be emailed the Legislative Update. If you are not receiving them, make certain you have given your local league you current email address so they update LWVUS database. Throughout the year, you will be receiving Action Alerts. When you receive them, take action.

How will you take advantage of these opportunities?

Help us Empower Voters and Defend Our Democracy in 2023. We can and we will!
