Empowering Voters.
Defending Democracy.

Does your community have elections in 2017? Are you interested in providing voters in your area with the candidate information they desperately need and turn to the League to find? In 2016, over 2 million voters found detailed League candidate information thanks to the Leagues in 32 states that participated in VOTE411. On average, this service cost participating Leagues only three cents per voter reached. Participating Leagues have said the program “is the most effective method of reaching large numbers of voters with information when they need it,” and “…VOTE411 lets candidates speak for themselves….” Leagues from 13 states have already signed up to use VOTE411 to create critical ballot information in 2017. Join your colleagues and be a part of this growing program to inform voters and gain significant visibility! If your League is interested in creating a voter guide or if you have questions, contact Megan Brown (mbrown@lwv.org).
