Empowering Voters.
Defending Democracy.

If you are no longer President or on your local League board, please forward this to the appropriate board member – and be sure that your League has submitted the changes in your board to the state office.

Local League To Do’s (email: lwvny@lwvny.org or call 518-465-4162)

Executive Director: Laura Ladd Bierman, Laura@lwvny.org
Many of our League leaders are off to Chicago this week for the LWVUS Convention. We’ll have plenty to report to everyone next week.

2018 Council Report
The State Board Update this month is very brief. We’ve attached the 2018 Council Report which summarizes the many accomplishments of the state League during 2017-2018. Please share it widely with your members and the public to help boast about our many achievements! And, thank you to all who participated in the budget approval – we’re pleased to report that the 2018-19 State League Budget was approved.

Local League Update Form

Also, please complete and return the Local League Update form. THIS IS CRUCIAL TO MAINTAINING TIMELY COMMUNICATION BETWEEN THE STATE LEAGUE AND YOUR LOCAL LEAGUE. Those listed on the form do NOT have to be board members – just list the people who should receive the info from the state League on that current portfolio or topic.

Essentials for Candidate Events
Judie Gorenstein, LWVNYS VP for Voter Services, has drafted a one-page list of essential for planning and implementing candidate events. Road to the Voting Booth, the guidebook for voter services activities, is being updated and will be available later this summer. But, check out the Essentials list that is attached!

State Fair
Also, the state League has once again secured an exhibit space at the New York State Fair to register voters and provide voting information! In 2016 we registered nearly 1,000 voters and assisted thousands more by distributing voter education materials and absentee ballot applications. This year we want to beat that record and help even more voters get registered!

The State Fair is held in Syracuse from August 27 through September 3 and is open every day from 10:00 am to 10:00 pm. Our exhibit is in a building (with air-conditioning) – not outside.


We will provide entrance passes and parking passes for the days that you’re willing to work. We just need people to staff the table – even for one day! How about organizing a group of your members to come to the Fair for a day – you can share your time at the League table and enjoy other fair activities! It can become your “local League day at the state fair.”

Organ Donor Registration Project
Thanks for all of the great help that your local League has provided during the last 3 years of the grant funded organ donor registration project. Many of you have stepped up and really helped encourage more organ donors in NYS. We especially thank all of you who have worked in the high schools during the last 2 months to register voters and inform the students about this option as well. Stipends for your efforts will be coming during the next month. BUT, the grant has ended and no more stipends will be available as of now. We hope that you will all continue to make the public aware of their option to register as an organ donor when they are registering to vote, but we do not need to complete tracking forms for our efforts. If you have any questions, please let me know.

Looking forward to seeing many of you in Chicago this week!
