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League Day at the United Nations

League Day at the United Nations A Briefing on Forced Labor and Human Trafficking
Nov. 16, 3:00 – 5:00 pm
(lunch and tours available, too, starting at 11:30 am)

The Annual League Day at the United Nations (NYC) will be held on Thursday, November 16. We will again offer a delicious lunch in the Delegates’ Dining Room, tours of the facility (General Assembly room, Security Council room, etc) and then a briefing. This year we will have a panel of UN experts discuss the issue of Forced Labor and Human Trafficking. The panel will also discuss what individuals can do to help reduce this problem.

The State League will also be offering a group bus option from Albany to NYC with a stop in Poughkeepsie.

Click here to register online or click here to download, print and mail the registration form with payment to the state office.


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