Empowering Voters.
Defending Democracy.

We have shipped over 29.000 Voter Guide Part IIs in English to local Leagues. We have also shipped almost 9,000 in Spanish and 600 Korean and 700 Chinese versions. On the website we have all these, plus Arabic, Karen and Burmese posted. We also created a flyer with a QR code that can be used at voter registration drives for people who want the link electronically. We continue to ship out more on request. We still have Voter Guide Part II available in Spanish, Chinese and Korean. Just email Laura@lwvny.org if you would like a quantity.

Fund for Modern Courts

The state League has worked with and partnered with the Fund for Modern Courts for decades and we have always had at least one League representative on their board. With the passing of Helga Schroeder and the move of Libby Hubbard to MA, we no longer had a representative. We are pleased to announce that Laura Ladd Bierman has been elected to their board as the League representative.
