Empowering Voters.
Defending Democracy.

Legislative Action for 2017

Legislative Agenda Booklets

The 2017 Legislative Agenda is now available and posted on the state website. Copies have been mailed to each local League. Additional copies are available by contacting Katrina at the state office at 518-465-4162 orkatrina@lwvny.org.

NEW Advocacy Google Groups!!

The NYS League has set up two Advocacy based Google Groups. Members of the groups can share their ideas, articles, statewide bills of interest, and whatever else they feel is appropriate. We will also be arranging monthly conference calls as an opportunity to share ideas and for members to hear what we are doing at the state level. The most exciting part of these groups is it will be an excellent opportunity for the League to use its membership to lobby on pertinent legislation. We will send out action alerts on specific bills in real time so that those interested in calling their legislators can do so exactly when the time is right.

We have already formed 2 groups – the first is a General Advocacy Group that will be headed by Jennifer and Barbara.  We will use this group to keep you all up to date on the general happenings at the Capitol. The second group focused on Education issues. This group will be headed by our Education Finance Specialist, Marian Bott. If you are interested in either of these groups please email Jennifer@lwvny.org. She will add you to whichever group you would like to join – feel free to sign up for both!

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