Empowering Voters.
Defending Democracy.

Jennifer Wilson, Jennifer@lwvny.org

In 2017/2018 21 Leagues held approximately 109 voter registration drives where they registered approximately 3,665 voters. They participated in 123 naturalization ceremonies where they registered 10,026 new voters. Additionally, Leagues have been making major strides to engage with more high schools – Leagues visited approximately 28 high schools where they registered 713 new voters. These numbers total to 14,404 voters registered!!

Based on the Leagues I did not hear from and those who did not track, I estimate the actual total to be over 20,000 voter registrations – that is a HUGE deal!

The state League would like to begin tracking our voter registration numbers. We want to make this as easy as possible for Leagues. Attached is a very brief and easy-to-fill-out tally form. Leagues can also feel free to create
their own tally sheet for volunteers. Instead of only being able to send the data via fax or email, I have also created an online entry form that can be accessed here: https://goo.gl/forms/eVZfHxt90HWCNWsc2 . If you don’t like the paper form or the online form, you can simply email Jennifer your totals. Thanks for your help!

