Empowering Voters.
Defending Democracy.

With all the concerns today about the burden of huge college loans, and the sometimes questionable earning power of Bachelors’ Degrees, more attention is being turned to CTE (Career Technical Education). Previously known as Vocational Education, and sometimes relegated to students with lesser academic skills, these programs are receiving more attention as a means to preparing students for the realities of the work world.

I would like to take a look at local programs, particularly one right here in Levittown, the Gerald R. Claps Career and Technical Center, to see how the courses are addressing the needs of local and national employers. Are they bringing in unions for input and program development? Are there internships and apprenticeships made available to the students in these programs? What other issues should be considered as relevant?

If you are interested in joining a committee to pursue this important topic, please contact me at 516-735-7162 (after November 17) or danias1@aol.com.
