Empowering Voters.
Defending Democracy.

The annual Spring Lobby Day to urge lawmakers to make New York the next state to authorize medical aid in dying for terminally ill adults is scheduled for Tuesday, May 14. Our campaign (Compassion and Choices NY) to authorize the Medical Aid in Dying Act has built support among doctors and seen new co sponsors added to the bill weekly, but we’ve also lost some powerful advocates who died without this option.

On May 14 we’ll be standing with bill sponsors, physicians, clergy leaders, and affected families to send a message that dying New Yorkers have no time to waste, they need expanded end-of-life options to terminally ill New Yorkers. On that day, we’ll be scheduling meetings with lawmakers, and hosting a press conference. We’ll need all of our supporters and allied organizations to stand with us. For more information, click here

This is your chance to tell New York lawmakers why they need to take action to ensure that terminally ill adults have the ability to end needless suffering at the end of life.
