Empowering Voters.
Defending Democracy.

Nancy Accepts ILO AwardAt the LWV of New York State biennial convention in Albany on June 1, we were honored to be recognized by the LWVNYS board for our work on redistricting in Nassau County that started in September, 2011 and culminated in the final vote of the legislature on March 5, 2013.

We were recognized for this multi-year project on redistricting that kept the issue in the forefront of the public, which generated extensive visibility for the League, which created and solidified the League’s relationships with other good government groups, and which applied for and received a grant to fund all of these efforts.

Nancy Rosenthal accepted the award for the ILO, giving credit to her co-chair, Barbara Epstein who was not able to attend convention, as well as many members in all five Leagues who helped on this core issue of League work.
