Empowering Voters. Defending Democracy.

LWVUS Board Sets Legislative Priorities for 2017

The LWVUS Board set the following as the legislative priorities for 2017:
  1. Campaign for Making Democracy Work™ (MDW), with special emphasis on protecting voting rights.
  2. Watchdog: Respond strategically on issues with LWV positions when needed, but focus on the campaign for Making Democracy Work™.

The board recognizes that the next year will be full of the unexpected. The main focus for LWVUS should be our MDW Campaign, but other topics are expected to pop up that are important to the LWV—including the Affordable Care Act (ACA), immigration and climate change. There will doubtless be other, unpredictable legislative issues. Advocacy staff, working with the president and advocacy chair, will respond to watchdog issues as time allows. The board can re-examine or re-align legislative priorities as the situation may dictate during this next year.

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