Empowering Voters.
Defending Democracy.

We had 48 League members from NYS attend the LWVUS Convention in June in Chicago. It was interesting, educational and fun! Many of the NY delegates were first time attendees at a Convention so it was great to see their enthusiasm and questions.

The Convention Kit with all of the info including proposed program, budget, bylaw amendments and nominating committee report can be viewed here. Action taken on all items, summaries of speakers, etc, are summarized below in the Daily Briefings (reverse chronological order of Convention).

At Convention, a video was presented telling the public about the League. Here’s the link to the video – and we all encouraged to share this video.

The incoming CEO of LWVUS, Virginia Kase, was also introduced (see remarks below). She has also been interviewed in an article in Glamour Magazine which can be viewed here.
