Empowering Voters.
Defending Democracy.

Nassau County Redistricting

Barbara Epstein & Paula Blum

Redistricting is the word currently heard everywhere in government. States are planning their new district maps based on the 2020 census results, with varying results. And, the Nassau County legislature will soon be setting up a redistricting commission based on the requirements of its charter.

This is a recurring event that takes place every ten years, following the census report. What is new this year is that Governor Hochul signed Assemblymember Amy Paulin’s bill ensuring fair redistricting. This bill, (A229.c) provides that the redrawing of county legislative districts lines must be, first and foremost, governed by state requirements ensuring fairness and equity. The new redistricting lines must keep communities of interest whole and protect minority voting rights.

FYI, we note with pride that Assemblymember Paulin is a past president of the Scarsdale League of Women Voters and past president of the Westchester Inter-League Organization. She was also a Vice President of the LWV of NYS.

If you would like to be part of the Redistricting Committee contact Barbara Epstein: 516-221-1948 or
