Empowering Voters.
Defending Democracy.

I wanted to make sure you the League of Women Voters knew about the interactive “Redistricting & You” map that our team at the CUNY Graduate Center has created, showing county legislative districts in Nassau and Suffolk for the purpose of helping people understand county redistricting.  I’d like to arrange a call with the League so you know how to use and how it can help with your work on Long Island.

Here’s the main link (the online map defaults to a view of Onondaga County, but you can use the drop-down list to see Long Island): https://nycounty.redistrictingandyou.org/.

Here’s an email newsletter about the map: https://madmimi.com/s/3449741

The map shows the latest proposal as well as the “A” and “B” plans for Suffolk County, with an easy comparison to current lines.  In Nassau we only show the current districts, but will update this once any proposed district plans are published.  We’ll update the map for both counties if new plans are announced.

Just like with our New York State map at https://newyork.redistrictingandyou.org/ (which the League has helped to share and promote), we show detailed demographic and voting data for each county legislative district (including 2020 presidential election results and enrollment patterns), along with redistricting metrics.

We hope our online map will help local stakeholders understand what the new proposed lines mean for them, and they will use our maps to help prepare public testimony and to get more involved in the process.

I’d be glad to discuss further.

FYI – I originally copied the email address from the League’s website at the bottom of the page here: https://lwveastnassau.org/  But that email is misspelled – there’s an “r” added to county, so it spells country instead of county.  Just letting you know.

Steven Romalewski
Director, CUNY Mapping Service
