Empowering Voters.
Defending Democracy.

League Comments on Kobach Request for Voter Records

Kris Kobach requested all states provide the personal information of every registered voter across the country for use by the Presidential Election “Integrity” Commission. The League issued a statement calling the request a giant fishing expedition meant to distract from the real issue of voter suppression. The League stands with those state leaders who have already come out to support their voters and refuse these requests from Mr. Kobach and the EIC. The Brennan Center for Justice has put together an informative memo outlining the legal risks involved with providing voter information to the Commission.

Continue Opposition of Senate Health Care Plan
The U.S. Senate released their plan to cut health care for 22 million Americans, cut Medicaid, and reduce access to health care for women. Senate leadership was unable to garner enough support for the legislation and postponed a vote on the legislation. This is a small victory in the fight to maintain quality affordable care for all Americans. Please continue to call and email your Senators and let them know that America deserves better.

League Joins Letter in Support of Paid Family Leave
The League joined more than 340 organizations representing a range of demographic groups from more than 40 states in sending a letter to Congress urging members to support an inclusive paid family and medical leave policy and to reject alternatives that leave people behind. Specifically, the groups want to make clear that the parental-leave-only plan included in the administration’s FY 2018 budget proposal would do more harm than good and should not be considered a legitimate paid leave plan.
